Filter Free: Elyse Knowles

Guys I'm so excited to introduce this shiny new segment to, so please welcome our first instalment of Filter Free!'Yeah tevs Dan. What is it and why do I care' I hear you say. Well if like me, you remember when social media gave us a fun, raw, real-time view into the lives of those we followed, you'd know that now it's just a highly calculated, ultra curated selection of what we want people to see. And that's ok (or not, but that's a question for another day), but I figure there's gotta be more to some of the peeps I follow than just monchrome everything, photoshopped selfies, excessive travel, perfect flatlays and swimwear photoshoots. So in an effort to find out more about the actual people behind the feed - enter the new Stylesnooperdan interview segment: Filter Free.A one-on-one with some intriguing people who have more to offer than just a perfect valencia selfie. I've got some fun people coming up but be sure to let me know in the comments who you want to hear from Filter Free and I'll do my best to get them on board. But for now, who better to start with than the crazy funny...

Elyse Knowles

Occupation: ModelInstagram: @elyseknowlzyWebsite/Blog: elyseknowlzy


The first thing I do when I wake up is Exercise, drink water with Lemon or Apple cider vinegar and then after a shower I pamper my fave with moisturisers and specials creams.

The Insta accounts I secretly stalk/am obsessed with are Tash Oakley, Jesinta Cambell, Jen Hawkins.

The best part about my job is Meeting someone new everyday, going to a more locations everyday and not knowing what my day is going to hold.

I don't spend enough time With my family. Work gets so crazy sometimes that I forget to take time off to spend time with my loved ones and have fun doing all the activities that we used to do when we were young.

My partner/friends hate when I  Stare at my phone. I’ve had learn to only go on my phone when I'm not around Josh (my bf). He understands it's my job but I have to switch off and concentrate on what’s going on around me. I always keep it in my bag when hanging out with friends – it’s the polite thing to do.

elyse knowles model stylesnooperdan

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My hair salon go to is Joey Scandizzo in Toorak - LEGENDDDDDD.

The part of pop culture I wish would just go away is Well my boyfriend hopes that flares would go away. I got a pair given to me and I have retrieved them out of the bin about 4 times now! They live to see another day haha.

My mum always said I owe her for being my taxi driver for 8 years when I was doing modelling before I was 18 years old.

My fashion no no is Piggy tales and baggy wide jeans.

My celeb crush when I was a teenager was Lara Bingle.

I wear activewear When I do actually exercise, and also when I'm running around at home.

My favourite day of the week is Saturday because I still have one more day off before work.

The most daring thing I've ever done is Sky diving and gone in a 2 seater Grand Prix car going 330 km's per hour around the track ! G force is AMAZINGGGGG!

My page 1 Apps are Insta , facey (even though someone just hacked it again and I can't get in!!), clock/alarm, weather, snapchat, music, maps, photos, calendar, after light, my bank,, webjet and studio 3.

Take me to a bar & I order a Fake vodka, aka soda with no vodka haha, or if you're lucky I'll get a real one ; )

Elyse Knowles Portsea Polo 2016 Stylesnooperdan

When I feel like I need some culture I Look through all my old photos from where I last travelled and then I start planning my next adventure.

The habit I would like to be able to break is Thinking too hard at night so that I get headache or can't sleep. I’m a big dreamer.

In my makeup bag is Ulta 3 Cc cream, mascara, bronzer, eye brow pencil and gel, blush, a brown/orange eye shadow palette, contouring set with highlighter and eye-lash curler. I have so much makeup, I love changing it up and exploring with colour and technique.

People wouldn't expect I Ride motor bikes. We have a block of land up near a forest, we all sleep in a shed with mattresses and then go riding all day in the bush. LOVE IT!

My fave dinner spot is Tom Phat in Brunswick, Melbourne.

I waste too much time Comparing myself to others. It's a stupid thing I do when I'm feeling down. I need to teach myself to get off social media and just go for a walk to refresh.

This time next year I want to be ticking goals off my list! I have big plans and have set high expectations for myself.

The worst/most embarrassing thing I've ever worn is A fake pregnant belly on a shoot! Can say l don't want to be pregnant for a while, that thing was HEAVYYYY!

At Karaoke, I would sing 'Dreams' by Gabrielle.

If I could tell my 15 year-old self something, it would be Don't get into a 5-year relationship haha!

elyse knowles stylesnooperdan

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